Coalition of Police and Sheriffs
The Board of Directors of the Coalition Of Police & Sheriffs [C.O.P.S. LOCAL 911], I.U.P.A., AFL-CIO are pleased to endorse Phil Grant for Judge, 9th District Court.” [see endorsement here]
Combined Law Enforcement Association of Texas
“Your longstanding legal experience, your commitment to law enforcement, and your continued community service are reason enough for CLEAT to add our support to your election efforts”. [READ MORE HERE]
Montgomery County Law Enforcement Association
Conroe Professional Firefighters Association, IAFF
The Woodlands Professional Firefighters Association
Houston Police Officers’ Union
**This is a recommendation for the Texas Patriots PAC as they did not endorse any Judicial candidates. Phil Grant is the only candidate in this race that the PAC recommended for Judge of the 9th District Court

Brett Ligon, Montgomery County District Attorney
“In 2009 I hand picked Phil Grant to be my First Assistant District Attorney. His creative and effective business sense, coupled with his criminal law expertise and trial talents, have been of tremendous value to my office. That is why I can say, with utmost confidence, that I strongly endorse Phil Grant to be your next Judge of the 9th District Court. His track record of excellence and his unquestionable integrity will greatly benefit the citizens of Montgomery County”.

Tommy Gage, Montgomery County Sheriff
“I’ve been working with Phil Grant since he joined the Montgomery County D.A.’s office, in 2009, as our First Assistant D.A. In the time that I have come to know him, I have been continually impressed by his integrity and knowledge. Phil’s unique expertise in the field of criminal justice, such as being Board Certified in Criminal Law, will benefit Montgomery County, and all of our peace keeping officers, in regards to Public Safety. That is why I can say, with confidence, that I strongly endorse Phil Grant as your next Judge for the 9th District Court. I ask you to vote for him during the 2016 election. Early voting starts in February.”
Rowdy Hayden, Montgomery County Constable – Precinct 4
“I’ve been working with Phil Grant since 2009. He has exhibited integrity, fairness, and a commitment to safety in our community. It is my pleasure to endorse Phil Grant for Judge of the 9th District Court”
David Hill, Montgomery County Constable – Precinct 5
“Phil Grant is the best person for the job!!”
Gene DeForest, Montgomery County Constable – Precinct 2
“I support Phil Grant 100%”
Dennis Doerge, Chief of Police – Splendora ISD
“As a Chief of Police I have had numerous dealings with Phil and he is an excellent person to work with and, in my opinion, will make an outstanding Judge. He has my 100% Support.”
Webb Melder, Mayor of Conroe
“Character and Integrity are always appreciated. Good luck Phil!”
Jim Kuykendall, Mayor of Oak Ridge North
“I believe that Phil Grant is a man of integrity and has gone above and beyond in his service to all of the citizens of Montgomery County. He will bring that same commitment and experience serving as Judge of the 9th District Court. I fully support and endorse Phil Grant and urge all citizens to look at the facts and see the difference. Vote for Phil!”
J.R. & Rena Moore
“Having served for many, many years as a Public Official I have Never known a more qualified individual for the position Phil Grant is running for.”
Bill Torrey, Milam County District Attorney
“Congratulations on your candidacy. You will be a fine Judge.”
Tyler Dunman
“I, Tyler Dunman, personally endorse Phil Grant for Judge of the 9th District Court. Phil is a man of great integrity, leadership, and faith. Phil will be a fair and impartial judge and will uphold the laws of this great State. Phil is involved in this community and understands what the community truly expects of its judges. I am honored to support Phil.”

Lane A. Haygood, Haygood Law Firm
“My law practice has varied from being an assistant district attorney under Grant (who benefited from his leadership) to an attorney in private practice who sees the wisdom in having fair judges who know the law and apply it with equanimity. I can think of no finer candidate for the office.”
Pastor Dale Inman, Calvary Road Baptist Church
“Phil Grant is the hands down best candidate. I support him all the way.”
Jerry Orton, Owner/Mitigation Expert – Legal Consultants
“The best, most qualified person for the job. Protection of the public should be the main focus for a judge.”
Erica Zelek
“I wholeheartedly support Phil Grant for Judge….his track record has proven he’s fair and very capable of exceeding our expectations!”
Brad and Lisa Romanchuk, Lt. Col. and Mrs. U.S. Grant, Jr. Ret., Tay Bond, Doug Atkinson, Mike Doneske, Chris Allen, Bruce and Marion Franke, Jason Tarver, Henry Brooks, Bill Green, Don A. Buckalew, Don A. Buckalew, Jr., Jim and Patti Prewitt, Lyn McClellan, Chuck Grant, Philip and Vicki Dupuis, W. Greg Smith, Peter and Amy Ciborowski, John and Cheryl Fox, Mary Osborn, Joe Buchanan, Mary Ashworth Phillips, Linda and Dale Harris, Mark E.A. Escot, Rocky Butler, Tracy and Stacy Huffman, Tyler and Kimberly Dunman, Ronny and Brenda Webb, Bret and Angela Strong, Shay Williams, Kathy J. Striker, Tonya Simmons, Fred & Ann Kate, Bryan and Kristin Christ, Karen Pawlak, Jason Hodges, Russell and Fran Martin, Heather Howerton, Kyle Montgomery, Judyann Stowe, Stephanie Jo Grapengeter, Reagan O’Rear Mann, Diane Edmiston, Quentin Edmiston, Michael Lee Wall, Sandra Wiggins, Lynn Phillips, Roger Givens, Justin & Christi Evans, Brenda Singleton, Sylvia Olszowy, Andrea Fahrenthold, Patricia Berger, Billy & Jessica Stover, Al Sanchez, Kathy Brandt, Bud Irving, Susan Michlik, Sheri Robinson, Nathan & Lindy Ingram, Paul & Miranda Hahs, Dennis Waller, Frank Newton, Joe Michels, Angie Hill Kula, David & Linda Hill, Captain Mike & Jill White, Ray and Pamela Morris, Julie Faubel, Dennis Waller, Penny Benbow, Bill O’Sullivan, Carmen Phillips, Jr. & Linda Mock, Victoria Chavez, Joey Ashton, Scott Altemus, Mike & Kristen Anderson